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How do I calibrate my probe?

There are two ways to calibrate your probe: (1) the Calibrate button and (2) the Calibrate hotkey. This article covers both methods.

Why is Calibration Needed?

The handheld SonoSimulator probe uses a motion sensor to track your hand movements, which controls the virtual probe on screen. The purpose of calibration is to align your handheld probe with the virtual probe. If – after a bit of scanning – you notice that your handheld probe and virtual probe are pointing in different directions, recalibrating should help resolve this issue.

We recommend you recalibrate at the beginning of each new case.

How to Calibrate

With the Calibrate Button

Click the calibrate button in the bottom toolbar and follow the on-screen instructions.

Calibrate button.png

Calibrate Button

It is very important to hold your probe in the Start Position, as shown in the photo below – with the probe body held against the edge of your laptop, probe footprint flat on the table, and probe indicator pointed directly to the left. Ensure your probe is positioned straight up and down without tilting in any direction.

Calibrate Probe messaging.png

Holding Your Probe in the Start Position

With the Calibrate Hot Key

You can also press the 'C' key on your keyboard to calibrate. Pressing the 'C' key will bypass the instructional pop-up.

Important Note: When you press the 'C' key, the SonoSimulator will assume your probe is already in the Start Position. If your probe is not in the Start Position when you click the 'C' key, your probe will be calibrated incorrectly.

Having Issues with Calibration?

First, read this article on helpful troubleshooting tips.

If you still need assistance, contact SonoSim Support. They can run a diagnostic on your probe to assess if it’s working correctly.

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