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How do I view my saved images?

You can view your saved SonoSimulator images in two ways: through the Review feature in the SonoSimulator or through My Image Portfolio Report on My SonoSim Dashboard. Below are the detailed steps for each method.

Through the Review Feature in the SonoSimulator

You can view your saved images through the Review feature within the SonoSimulator.

Review button on SonoSimulator.png

When you click Review, you can view all saved images from that specific case and ultrasound window. For example, in the image below, the user is reviewing all their saved images for Biliary Tree > Case 1 > Point B.

Review Window, Point B.png

Saved Images for Biliary Tree > Case 1 > Point B

For the user to review their saved images for Point A, they will need to change the ultrasound window by clicking on the navigation dot for Point A.

Review Window, Point A.png

Saved Images for Biliary Tree > Case 1 > Point A

Note: The Review feature is the only way to delete a saved ultrasound image. Images cannot be deleted within Reports on My SonoSim Dashboard.

Delete Button.png

Delete Button in Review Window

Through My Image Portfolio Report

Within My SonoSim Dashboard, click on Track in the left sidebar, then click Reports Hub.

reports hub for learners.png

Then click My Image Portfolio Report.

My IPR in reports hub.png

Within My Image Portfolio Report, you can view all saved images from all modules in one view. By default, all modules with saved images will be shown.

Example image for my IPR.png

You can control which modules and images are shown in the report through the Settings & Filters in the right sidebar.

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