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How do I access the Case List in the SonoSimulator?

The Case List is how you choose a case to scan in the SonoSimulator. The steps below will show you how to find and use the Case List.

Download & Install the SonoSim Software

First, you'll need to download and install the SonoSim scanning software.

Open the Software on Your Computer

After the SonoSim software is installed, plug in your SonoSimulator probe into a USB port and double-click the SonoSim icon on your computer.

Desktop with SonoSim Icon zoomed.png

SonoSim Software Icon on a Windows Computer

mac sonosim icon bigger arrow.png

SonoSim Software Icon on a Mac Computer

Once the software opens, log in and click Scan in the main menu.

Scan Access.png

Scan in the SonoSim Software Main Menu

Choose a Scanning Case from the Case List

This will open the Case List. Select a topic > module > case of interest.

open case.png

Selecting a Case in the Case List

Content will need to be downloaded before it can be accessed in the SonoSimulator. You can download an entire topic (as shown in the image) or individual modules.

If space on your computer is limited, we recommend downloading individual modules as needed.

Downloaded content will be blue (e.g., 'Abdomen' in the image), whereas non-downloaded content will be gray (e.g., 'Breast' in the image).

download topic.png

Downloading Content

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