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How do I add users to my group?

Users can be added to your group by clicking Add Users within the Manage Users feature.

Manage Users - less wide.png

Add Users Feature Within Manage Users

Two Ways to Add Users

Add Single User

If you are adding just 1 or 2 users, we recommend using the Add Single User option.

Fill out the on-page fields to create a new user.

Once you click 'Add User,' a welcome email will automatically be sent to that user with instructions on how to access their SonoSim account.

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Add Single User Option

Add Multiple Users

If you are adding more than 2 users, we recommend using the Add Multiple Users option.

The on-screen steps will guide you through the process.

For a guided walkthrough, please watch this video.

Once you complete the process of adding users, welcome emails will automatically be sent to your new users with instructions on how to access their SonoSim accounts.

multi add - short.png

Add Multiple User Option

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