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I finished a SonoSim course but it's still marked as 'In Progress.' Why isn't my course complete?

For a SonoSim course to be marked as complete, you must:

  1. View every page of the course for at least 5 seconds

  2. Pass the Mastery Test with a score of 75% or higher.

You’ll know a course is completed when the button in the Course Library switches from 'Continue' to 'Review.'

Course Continue button.png

In Progress Course with 'Continue' Button

Course review button.png

Completed Course with 'Review' Button

If you believe you’ve completed the above criteria but the course is still marked In Progress, it’s likely that one or more pages weren’t viewed for the full time. To check, look for blue checkmarks in the left sidebar; each lesson that has been fully viewed will have a blue checkmark.

When you find the lesson without a blue checkmark, open the lesson and find the page with the missing orange dot. When you view the page for 5 seconds, an orange dot will appear. Please revisit any page that does not have an orange dot.

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