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How do I see all of my SPI quiz scores?

Finding the 'My SPI Quiz Report'

You can view all your SPI quiz scores through My SonoSim Dashboard.

Start by going to Track > Reports Hub in the left sidebar.

reports hub for learners.png

From there, click My SPI Quiz Report.

My SPI Quiz Report for Learners.png

Overview Page

The first page of your SPI Quiz Report is your Overview, which will show you a summary of how you’re doing in each domain. Additionally, it will highlight any flagged quizzes, meaning you haven’t yet achieved an 'On Track' score (i.e., 80% or higher).

spi overview expanded.png

Example Overview Page

Full Report Page

The Full Report is where you can see all SPI Quiz scores.

spi full report.png

Example Full Report

By default, only aggregate statistics will show. If you’d like to see all scores for a single quiz, turn on the 'Show All Quiz Attempts' toggle in the right sidebar.

show all quiz attempts.png

Show All Quiz Attempts Toggle

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